Safety Town is proud to
have the support of our
wonderful sponsors!


We have several opportunities available that will get your company involved with Safety Town at a level that works best for you. Volunteering at the program is a great opportunity for your employees to see the benefit of your sponsorship first hand.

Please call Wendy Saer at 501-580-7278 or email for more info.

Become a major sponsor. We have big plans for Safety Town and you can be a part of that. Please call to discuss our ideas.

Sponsor a school. Every year we get requests to bring this program into schools for the kindergarten classes. Your company could make that happen by sponsoring a school. All of the information we teach the children in the summer is incorporated in the school program with some modifications (i.e. the town cannot always be set up at the location, so we do a smaller version). Price is based on the number of children in the school and whether the children receive a t-shirt, coloring book, bike helmet, or music CD.

Sponsor a child. We offer several scholarships every summer that allow low income students the ability to attend our week long program.